Chalega attitude and software coding!
Indians are known for their chalega attitude which does not mean they are generous or humble but it exposes the sheer inefficiency in our mindset. We are "adjusting" to poor roads, incompetent netas, babus, managers and many more like what VP point out here. We have a very short-term memory too which the politicians are cashing in on. We forget their mis deeds in a few months and vote them back to power.
I prefer to say that this attitude has been ruining our country for long, and may end up devastating the whole country in the long run. If I may be a little aggressive in saying that this could have got perpetrated by some of the actions of Nehru, I intend to be. Atanu intertwines his comments with Lee Kuan Yew's speech, which I would rate as one of the best commentary blog articles I have read. I do not want to talk any more but just that Nehru's import substitution policies, license raj quotas (which he thought would take the country up the development ladder) ended up being disastrous pits which perpetrated corruption and inefficiency in Government establishments.
My soultion to this chalega attitude - Make all Indians write Software codes!!! Any compiler/interpreter (which "process" the codes writtten) needs perfect syntax to be followed and our chalega attitude of adding or leaving a few words, letters do not work here. Some softwares donot process codes even if a semi-colon or a comma is left. That is the perfection expected out of a human being! Our chalega attitude will definitely vanish in front of a software processor!
My soultion to this chalega attitude - Make all Indians write Software codes!!! Any compiler/interpreter (which "process" the codes writtten) needs perfect syntax to be followed and our chalega attitude of adding or leaving a few words, letters do not work here. Some softwares donot process codes even if a semi-colon or a comma is left. That is the perfection expected out of a human being! Our chalega attitude will definitely vanish in front of a software processor!
At 5:03 PM,
akp said…
Somelines borrowed from "Unconfusingly Yours"?
At 2:27 AM,
Arvind Iyer said…
(thoda sa criticism. please bear with me.)
Your thoughts are coming out - splat! It lacks structure. One big chunk (i went through the posts available to me. This is a common feature) which is trying to convey a line of thought...but it struggles to do that.
Your posts can be a lot more interesting if you review what you have written a few times while composing, to check if there is a flow in the text.
cheers. merry christmas.
At 1:34 PM,
Venkat C said…
Good one again.
Heres the bad news : ""chelaga"" attitude has now already seeed into s/w coding. tho syntax is one aspect of s/w, others are scalability, code quantity, coding guidelines and the basic engineering discipline. I am sorry to say that too many indians too much code just by cut pasting from google or just without understanding the underlying system which its going to control.
one thing for sure this attitude has to change and so we have to keep raising it in as many blogs as possible so that the beating s continue till the morale improves.
At 7:12 PM,
Pallavi Sureka said…
This is not in favour of the Nehruvian policy, but its a little too much to expect Human Beings to be as perfect as software codes.
Its actually our imperfections which make us Humans and not machines. But then yes, our neta babus should learn from mistakes they've made in the past and not actually glorify them and us Junta should also learn not to give them chance after chance.
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