Of Pesky Profs, Playful Students and Provocative Porn!
Last week, I was schocked after reading this, in fact, whole world read about the what happened in Anna University hostel. Professors who raided the hostels caught four students with porn VCD. No, I was not shocked at students watching or carrying porn VCDs, rather at the short sighted acts of a few professors, who are pulling the University back to stone age in the name of culture and moral. Moral policing is at its peak, following imposition of dress codes, ban on cell phone across the campuses including hostels.
It is very normal for guys of that age to watch porn movies (though it is illegal in our country to circulate porn). And, more than the legal standpoint, We are always known to flout rules and regulations and do somethings that we shouldn't. Looking at it from another perspective, there is no logic in keeping porn illegal and here is where we have to talk about legal reforms.
It is very normal for guys of that age to watch porn movies (though it is illegal in our country to circulate porn). And, more than the legal standpoint, We are always known to flout rules and regulations and do somethings that we shouldn't. Looking at it from another perspective, there is no logic in keeping porn illegal and here is where we have to talk about legal reforms.
The English, who ruled us for close to 300 years enacted some laws duing their rule. More than 50 years after they have left, we are yet to make any modifications to them (to suit the modern times) whereas, in the intermediate time, UK has made amendments to many of its laws which empower their citizens a lot, at the same time, keeping the crime levels in control. Universities in the US, inclusive of the Ivy league dons, bring out magazines to satisfy the basic instincts of humanity. (For eg. Boston's Boink, Harvard's H Bomb) Here, in Anna University, where professors still live in cocoons built in stone age, dictate students what they should and what they should not do. They would better do research or further specialisation in their field instead of these retrogade moves!! Progress through knowledge or Regress through Insanity?
At 10:40 PM,
Venkat C said…
I agree. I dont understand what is causing this sudden rise of moral policing..politics??? It seems as tho these guys have suddenly woken up one day and found out that world is immoral. ha ha... I remember we had a TRA (Teaching reasearch Assistant) when we were in Anna University and this guy was the leader of some political party .. I am seriuosly thinking that the university is going towards its doom.
- Venkataprasad
At 10:31 PM,
silverine said…
The authorities are short sighted. I think they should just stick to teaching and reasearch. College students do not need to be told what is good and what is not.
At 2:11 AM,
twip said…
jus came across your blog...interesting post...
MY only question is why the sudden frenzy in moral policing?(a la Vekataprasad). Atrocious dress codes....ban on cell phones.....its almost as if the govt is paranoid about something.....but what? Its about time the govt focused on real issues......
At 2:13 AM,
twip said…
......instead of wasting their time on non-issues like this.( I wanted to finish my comment but I got a phone call in between and I jus hit publish:P)
At 6:12 AM,
Venkat C said…
I have TAGGED you. Post your views on the topic. Go to my blog for more info.
- Venkataprasad
At 5:18 PM,
Soumyadip said…
When people have nothing better to do and cannot make their presence felt they resort to such acts. Many of our laws are archaic and desperately need to be repealed. Restrictions and ban on porn hasn't made things better, all they have done is to give an opportunity to unscrupulous characters to mint money. It is so easily available that you never need to hunt for it, dealers thrust it upon your faces. (But having said so, I feel that hidden camera porn should be dealt with with very stringently.)
If you analyse the liquor market in the states that have prohibition, it is very easy to understand why banning stuff doesn't work. Legalising things often help in keeping things under control. Keeping prostitution illegal hasn't helped preventing kids being pushed into the business. Things done illegaly inevitably lead to exploitation as there is no legal recourse for the victim.
At 4:27 PM,
Bala Pillai said…
Through trial and error, I have found a powerful way to shift the opinions of academics.
The trick is this:
1) Identify the most forward thinking of the academics
2) Ask them this question:
Why has India not produced a single quantum invention in the last 1000 years when before that it together with China was responsible for nearly all of them?
Quantum inventions = significant leaps in order of problem-solving from cave-man days to now eg taming of fire, domestication of rice, discovery of language, wheel, urban social systems, zero, paper, printing press, electricity, phones, credit cards, computers.
What might the topmost reasons for this be? And what might the best bang-for-the-buck ways of reversing this rot of mental soil be?"
I have tried it -- it has their CPUs spinning.
In time they connect-the-dots better.
3) After that make it easy for them to spread this process to to their academic friends. It changes them.
At 4:30 PM,
Bala Pillai said…
Through trial and error, I have found a powerful way to shift the opinions of academics.
The trick is this:
1) Identify the most forward thinking of the academics
2) Ask them this question:
Why has India not produced a single quantum invention in the last 1000 years when before that it together with China was responsible for nearly all of them?
Quantum inventions = significant leaps in order of problem-solving from cave-man days to now eg taming of fire, domestication of rice, discovery of language, wheel, urban social systems, zero, paper, printing press, electricity, phones, credit cards, computers.
What might the topmost reasons for this be? And what might the best bang-for-the-buck ways of reversing this rot of mental soil be?"
I have tried it -- it has their CPUs spinning.
In time they connect-the-dots better.
3) After that make it easy for them to spread this process to to their academic friends. It changes them.
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