The controversial cartoons and the Haj Subsidy
Rashmi has an excellent article compiled, about the recent Prophet cartoons issues. I resonate with her thoughts about this issue. As we grow more contemporary, the forward looking Hindus should not only condemn Hindu fundamentalists, but also take a dig at the Muslim extremists who create a flutter in world peace in the name of frivolosities like cartoons, news items etc. MSNBC's Cagle runs a very informative blog about this whole issue with many cartoons put up.
As responsible citizens, we should voice our protests against such brutal ways of condemnations. I agree that it is every human being's right to protest. But, the torching of European embassies by Muslim fundamentalists makes me think if this is what Islam teaches its followers? Why don't they protest peacefully? Peace is something alien to the Islam fundamentalists on the whole! (Completely my view). My perspective on Islam community is that they are not evolving as a matured religion and these protests point out to their insecurity and their incompatibility with the contemporary world.
In India, as a minority, Muslims enjoy more rights than a majority Hindu would. The government is not going ahead with any population control just to appease the sentiments of the Islam community, who multiply by the wink of an eyelid! And, Forceful conversions are an order of the day, by both Muslims and Christians. They take Haj subsidy from government (which is against the basic principles of Islam per se) and still complain that they are charged higher for air fares! Am I offered any subsidy to visit Badrinath or Kanyakumari? Only in India do they provide such subsidies to the minority community!! This is a brutal murder of religious sentiments!
To sum it up, I am against the protests of the Muslim community across the world for Prophet cartoons and I want the Haj subsidy to be removed by the Central Government as that subsidy amount could be ploughed back for some other developmental projects!
To sum it up, I am against the protests of the Muslim community across the world for Prophet cartoons and I want the Haj subsidy to be removed by the Central Government as that subsidy amount could be ploughed back for some other developmental projects!
At 1:06 PM,
Venkat C said…
hey Man, some 100 years from now on, somebody has to explain the children about these funny cartoon riots.
At 4:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
I agree with you entirely but there is a responsibility also attached with freedom of speech which is better exercised in other avenues rather than courting controversy.
At 6:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
I agree with you on this. It is in the interest of the Muslims to live as a part of the country than being treated as extra ordinary citizens. Try going to Saudi or any other country and see how the Muslims treat the non Muslims. And then they expect royal treatment elsewhere. The Muslims have to grow up and realise that they need to integrate and give up the feeling that their religion is superior.
At 6:57 PM,
Soumyadip said…
To protest is the basic right of a citizen of a democratic nation. But killing people in the name of protest is savagery. And moreover in a secular, socialist, democratic republic every individual should be provided with equal opportunities.
The other day I was filling up a form and it had a column for religion. Is that necessary? What difference would it make if I followed different rites and rituals that that I presently do?
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