Tele-marketing blues!
Let me rant here about the innumberable calls I receive from Banks and Financial services providers who believe that I am their "Valuable customer" and that they had "their best offer" for me and that the offer was ending the very same day!!! Puhlllezzze!!! someone save me :)
Just a few minutes back, I picked up a call in my papa's mobile but was surprised that the person at the other end was asking for me (People call me only in my mobile). The call was for a "lifetime super bla bla card" from a foreign bank. But, to tell a point here, the connection was in my name and this clearly proves the point that my cellular service provider had passed on my information to the bank. Even after the supreme court condemning these activities of banks and mobile phone service providers, they still retort to such marketing activities, which, instead of attracting a customer, irritates and frustrates him! How I wish there was a donot call registry a la the one existing in the US of A!
At 12:23 PM,
Aravind said…
hey buddy ,
Phone la kadikarathellam ippo sagajamappa :)
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