Old economy managers for New economy companies.
By Old and New Economy, I am not dividing the whole genre into good/bad, right/wrong et al.
New Economy is anything that has got to do with click and portal where as Old Economy relates to Brick and Mortar jobs.
An Old Economy (OE) manager would stick to '8 hour schedules' and would demand employees to work for around 8 hours depending on the kind of work, as they are physically tiring too. But, A New Economy (NE) manager, should ideally not have any time bound schedules, rather project bound. Employees under NE manager shouldn't in fact, feel him being at the top. Flat structure is what is needed in a NE company.
But, sad, many Indian companies who work in the NE fields, still have OE managers in disguise as NE managers, which is much more dangerous than an OE manager himself! Managers who question flexible timings (but expect the work to get done somehow!!), managers who endlessly talk in meetings, waste a lot of man hours and end up responsible for increasing attrition in the company! Read somewhere and wise to quote here "Men don't leave jobs, but they leave their managers."
Indian Managers have been found to be a little conservative when it comes to their global counterparts. A case study was carried out by BusinessWorld in which the results were quite believable, yet revealing! Most of the Indian managers still carry the egoistic attitude, and their best hobby would be "watching TV" or "reading a book". They haven't gone far from reading books or watching TV :-). While, their counterparts across the world seem to have adventurous hobbies like snorkelling, water-rafting or even spiritual healing! YO to a global manager!
Though the borders are fast disappearing in this global village, though the jobs are more universal, Managers take long to arrive there, much later than their sub-ordinates, at times.
Yo Manager, perk up and be there before I reach there too!! :-)
New Economy is anything that has got to do with click and portal where as Old Economy relates to Brick and Mortar jobs.
An Old Economy (OE) manager would stick to '8 hour schedules' and would demand employees to work for around 8 hours depending on the kind of work, as they are physically tiring too. But, A New Economy (NE) manager, should ideally not have any time bound schedules, rather project bound. Employees under NE manager shouldn't in fact, feel him being at the top. Flat structure is what is needed in a NE company.
But, sad, many Indian companies who work in the NE fields, still have OE managers in disguise as NE managers, which is much more dangerous than an OE manager himself! Managers who question flexible timings (but expect the work to get done somehow!!), managers who endlessly talk in meetings, waste a lot of man hours and end up responsible for increasing attrition in the company! Read somewhere and wise to quote here "Men don't leave jobs, but they leave their managers."
Indian Managers have been found to be a little conservative when it comes to their global counterparts. A case study was carried out by BusinessWorld in which the results were quite believable, yet revealing! Most of the Indian managers still carry the egoistic attitude, and their best hobby would be "watching TV" or "reading a book". They haven't gone far from reading books or watching TV :-). While, their counterparts across the world seem to have adventurous hobbies like snorkelling, water-rafting or even spiritual healing! YO to a global manager!
Though the borders are fast disappearing in this global village, though the jobs are more universal, Managers take long to arrive there, much later than their sub-ordinates, at times.
Yo Manager, perk up and be there before I reach there too!! :-)
At 11:55 PM,
Venkat C said…
sorry da..I deleted my blog ...and some AH took my url..damn!!
My last post was
"Hi All,
This is my 100th post and the last. This blog will be deleted soon. In a few days, it will cease to exist. Though I have a lot to say and a lot to share in the form of ideas, thoughts and experiences, internet doesnot seem to be the best place for this. Blogging has been addictive and though it increases my creative abilities, I am moving on in the search of better hobbies. Overall, I dont think my decision would affect the blogosphere much because there are so many great writers around here. I have felt ashamed of myself while reading some blogs because I would not be able to come up with something so splendid myself anytime.
Thanks to the 6 (average) visitors who visit my blog daily. I think you will have something more useful to do and wont worry about this blog anymore.
Thanks sitemeter and blogger in helping me to kill time in the last 2 lonely years of my life.
Some other reasons are
1. I basically dont like routine in life. I need change.
2. Blogging is no more a cool thing which it used to be in 2004.
3. In the initial times, my blog visitors were strangers but more and more its people whom I know and I feel uncomfortable to write about anything.
4. I am very specific about what comes up in the net when my name is googled and I defenitely want some technical achievements to come up instead of some crap which I wrote in some particularly bad mood.
5. I really dont feel the urge to put forth my ideas for discussion and if I do, its more of an evaluation of them than an indication of any well-concieved idea.
6. I really dont care what anybody thinks about anything and dont think that it makes any difference anywhere.
7. Most importantly, blogging about a problem does not help in solving it in anyway. What is needed is action and sitting here in US and writing about problems in India wont achieve anything. If I really care, I should go back and get myself dirty and clean up the mess and the chaos. Else better to shut up.
So farewell..meet you at a different place in a different form in a different mood.
Till then..
PS : I really wanted to blog about this but wont be able to do so. Please scroll down to the post "Break the taboos" in this page before reading the following.
The real story is :
Apparently, Latha had her periods (menstrual cycle) scheduled on her marraige day. So she and her ever so intelligent relatives (mom, aunt, cousin ..all FEMALE..I want to stress that) got some drugs from a local pharmacy to postpone the cycle. Then, after her marriage, there was this one more important marriage of her hubby's cousin and she did not want to be in "periods" for that. So she took the same drug again to postpone AGAIN. Then, another occasion (obviously where a female with periods is considered unclean) and another postponement. So she did not have her periods for 2 months. Then she got afraid. She approached a better pharmacist and got a drug to prepone the periods. And the kidneys could no longer take this and they stopped.
Whose FAULT? I dont know but I am terribly disgusted with my society and country.
With that I (the blog) die.
Unconfusingly yours,
At 2:21 PM,
Venkat C said…
"Managers"..Oh my God, I can write a book on them. By the way, you have a nice blog.
At 2:35 PM,
Gokul said…
I think, if you look at the big picture, you might understand that for an organization to have New managers, the organization should have a formula to say that this part of the work gets converted to so much of profit for the company. This is possible in certain setups like LIC Agents/ Investment Banker, where he gets money back proportional to the work he does. There are lot of other activities where in this relation does not exist. Still there are more managers, who manage employees on both front. They have to act like both- New manager and old manager(I really don't know whether they know the bigger scheme of things).
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